Rongai Route

This is the route located in northern east side of the mountain originating close to the Kenya border It is attributed to the long drive requred to reach the starting gate , you will pass through the chaga gardener,chaga village .And also it is only a route which you may be close to the view of mawenzi peak the second highest peak in mount kilimanjaro and also you my pass in saddle the exprise between the mawenzi and kipo perk.


Day 1: Kilimanjaro International Airport -> Moshi Town

Upon arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) you will meet a Mariga Adventures representative who will transfer you to your hotel in Moshi Town. You will meet the Mariga Adventures manager and your Kilimanjaro guides for a pre-trek briefing. Depending on your arrival time, this will be in the afternoon, evening or the following morning.

Day 2: Moshi Town -> Rongai Gate -> Simba Camp

Wakeup ealy the morning then the car will pick you around 8:30am or 9:00am start a long drive to rongai gate passing though the local chaga village. Then you will pass at the first gate in the man made forest afte finishing a chaga garden and farm area then soon you will arrive at the gate ,where wiil set the lagges and to know the actual number of a crewtha will go with you to the mountain .Then will start hiking in mountane forest to simba camp the first camp located at the boulder of Montane forest and moorland zone Trekking time 3_4 hours Kilometres 4.3 Elevation at simba camp .

Day 3: Simba Camp -> Second Cave

This day you will working in health and moorland zone where you will have opportunities to see some different flowers and wildlife,you will pass at the first cave and take you to second cove where you will have lunch and over night Walking hours=4_5hours,distance 5.5km ,elevation at second cave wii be .

Day 4: Second Cave -> Kikelelua Camp

This day you will walking at the same zone health and moorland on undulating path to kikelelua camp where you will spend the night.The camp it located nearly to kikelelua river,spending the afternoon either resting or taking a clamataization hiking in surrounding area Treakin hours2_3 Distance 6.3 km/p>

Day 5: Kikelelua Camp -> Mawenzi Turn Hut

Today is the short day but steep climb up grassy slope is rewarded by superb all _around view leave the vegetation behind shortly before reaching the next camp at mawenzi turn hurt,free to rest in afternoon or explore the nearby ridge to the west as an aid to clamataization Trekking hour 3_8 Distance3.8km

Day 6: Mawenzi Turn Hut -> Kibo Hut

Today you start a working after a breakfast to ward a base camp which is kibo hut will cross of the hunar like a desert of the saddle between the mapenz and kibo hut, you will have lunch then evening resting for the final ascending to summit Overnight kibo hut Distance.

Day 7: Kibo Hut -> Uhuru Peak -> Horombo Hut

Wek up at midnight to begin you ascent to uhuru peak ,the first section of the trail is the rock path to the hans Mayer cave you will then take a swich bath to Gilimans point 5719ams .This section it is very steep with much stone screen then for two hours will reach to uhuru peak after Gilmans point uhuru is the highest point in Africa you made it here you will take a short time on the roof of Africa before beginning the descent Treakining hours =8_10hours Distance7km Then you will descending on the some trail to kibo hut you will have lunch rest then descent to Horombo hut Overnight _ Horombo hurt Distance_7km from kibo to horombo hut

Day 8: Horombo Hut -> Marangu Gate -> Hotel

After breakfast continues to walking to gate will start at moorland zone then to mountain forest as a first day then to marangu gate afte reach to the gate will sign out the guide will get you achieved certificate then the car will pick you to hotel which located at moshi city Distance :from horombo hut to marangu gate is 19km Hours _6 hours.

Day 9: Next Adventure

Continue with your journey. Take a rest in Moshi town, head to Kilimanjaro airport for your departure flight. Or perhaps you would like to join Mariga Adventures on one of our wildlife safaris.


1 pax = $2455
2 - 4 pax = $1915 pp
5 - 7 pax = $1915 pp
8 - 10 pax = $1905 pp
11 - 13 pax = $1855 pp
14+ = $ pp

Recommended Tipping Guide

Tipping is customary for all members of your crew when climbing Mt Kilimanjaro. Although they receve a fair wage they rely on tips for a total fair compensation as set by the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project's Partners for Responsible Travel.

Lead guide: $20 per day (×8 = $160)
Assistant guide: $20 per day (×8 = $160)
Cook: $15 per day (×8 = $120)
Special Porter, waiters and summit porters: $10 per day (×8 = $80)
Porter: $8 per day (×8 = $64)

The standard crew for an expedition of 2-4 clients is:
1 leading guide
1 assistant guide
1 cook
2-3 special porters
Average of 4-6 porter per client for the trek.
Therefore the total tipping recommended amount per client for the trek package range $856 - $984, depending on the trekking package and trekking group.